Main business

Using water as the medium, combine the sound, light, water, fire, shadow, fog and other elements to interpret a water legend

Mist fountain effect

Show the dreamy world of the cloud , every time is a cultural feast

   Mistfountainandothersfiremistfountainfloatingintheairforalongtime,becomethepeculiarwhitecloudfog landscape,atthemsametimeitcanlowerambienttemperature,adjustairhumidity,andpurifyingair,Ithasgreatbenefitsbothforthegrowthenvironmentoffl…

Water curtain

The totally new visual enjoyment


Landscape fountain

Interpret the design theme with different music and performance plots


Laser light water screen move projection

Novel and unique visual experience


Creative water dance light show

Action art combine with various performance form


Project case

Provide more professional and considerate solutions for clients, then to achieve a win-win situation between customers and enterprises


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